Studies for breakwater repair, verifying and approving operational plans of Admiralty Commander along with superior and construction supervision for breakwater repair, wharf construction and harbour dredging of Fereydounkenar port
IN Port Construction
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About Project
The breakwaters constructed in 1974, due to the change in the refraction wave, were destroyed and out of order. Therefore, in 2010, the employer chose the contractor to repair the breakwater, carry out dredging and construct the pier and deck.
Actual services:
- Hydrodynamic study and investigating port sedimentation regimes, setting up and running mathematical model (MIKE 21)
- Investigating the effect of interactional sea currents between Fereydounkenar breakwater and Admiralty Commander Port
- Provision of breakwater sections for repair of existing breakwaters
- Studying of dredging procedure and methods
- Examining the statement of the work done by the employer and its chosen contractor
- Studying type of the wharf and deck which is suitable for the Admiralty Commander Port breakwaters and preparing drawings and maps of detailed design studies
- Preparation of tender documents and contractor selection according to legal procedures and published circulars
- Performing supreme and construction supervision