Water, Soil and Environment Laboratory

Water, Soil and Environment Laboratory

Asarab is equipped with a laboratory in which various physical, chemical and biological parameters of water and soil in land and marine ecosystems are measured.

  • Specialized sampling of all surface and ground water sources and sewage and wastewater in the soil and sediment
  • Measurement of chemical and physical parameters including TOC, DO, BOD5, TSS, TDS, EC and pH, hardness, turbidity, alkalinity, temperature, calcium, magnesium, sulfate, sulfite, sulfide, nitrate, carbonate, nitrite, bicarbonate, phosphate chloride, free chlorine, ammonia, nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll a
  • Measurement of soil parameters including hydrometry, granulation, TOM, calcium, magnesium, pH, EC
  • Measurement of lymnological parameters including zooplankton, phytoplankton, Macrobenthos, microbenthos and aquatic plants

