Sampling and Water Quality Analysis of Alborz Dam
IN Environment
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About Project
Considering the increasing eutrophication of the Alborz Dam Reservoir and the importance of discharging water of the dam in providing drinking water to the cities of Babol, Babolsar, Amirkala, Fereydunkenar … sampling studies were conducted to determine the quality of the dam reservoir. The main objectives of this study are to determine the quality of springs, entering rivers and Alborz Dam Reservoir, point and non-point pollutant sources in the watershed, for this purpose, two-dimensional model of Ce-Qual-W2 has been used.
Actual services:
- Providing the field laboratory equipment, including portable multi-meter, portable turbidity meter and sampling containers for stabilizing and transferring samples in a standard condition.
- Basic data gathering of hydrological status in the study area including surface and ground water, pollutant sources and climatology
- Providing a temporary monitoring network for watershed (reservoir and inlet rivers)
- Sampling for analysis of the pollution parameters in the water and sediment including Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), detergents, chlorinated pesticides and microbial parameters in the designated 9 stations in the dam over 6 months and in the rivers over a year
- Measurement of river flow, sampling and analysis of physicochemical and nutrient parameters of water
- Sampling and identification of planktons, macrobenthos, fish and fish parasites
- Provision of mid-term and long-term structural and non-structural solutions in the dam watershed and reservoir for pollution prevention
- Proposing a permanent water quality monitoring network in the watershed and reservoir
- Providing a Comprehensive and Integrated Environmental Management Plan based on the results of temporary water quality monitoring and dam modelling