EIA study of Dorud-Khoramabad-Andimeshk Railway
IN Environment
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About Project
This railway is approximate 340 Kilometers (339.61) and will be branched out from Lorestan railway. This railway is located near Doroud-Andimeshk and Dokuheh presidio, and in the station of Dokuheh, the railway will be connected to the national railway of the south of the country. Totally, 19 stations were designed for the railway. The railway will pass the present road. Rugged topography, natural features, oil and gas pipeline, population centers in villages, towns and constructions located in the corridor, and also, limitations and technical requirements of railway caused complicated geometric plan of the railway. 55 tunnels were excavated, 78 large bridges, and 300 trenching were going to be done, which indicated that construction activities was at very high level and there are huge cost for it. Therefore, the environmental consultant has worked with road design consultants (Pars and Iran Stone companies) throughout the routes, so that all of the environmental spots and sensitive areas are identified by the expert team of the consultant and presented to the designers.
Actual services:
- Checking process out of exiting from important and valuable environmental areas
- Study and analysis of different varieties in terms of technical requirements and topographic conditions of the route
- Examining options approved by the client (Deputy Director of Railways, Ports and Airports Construction and Development)
The existence of the tight area in terms of technical activities, Poldkhtar wetland, protected area of Oak forest along the route, sensitive plant and animal habitats, and the existence of oil and gas corridors along the route were the problematic for environmental consultant of the plan. Finally, for each section, the solution and variant were provided specifically.