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Engineering Study for Construction of Canal and Dredging in the Anzali Wetland through Engineering, Procurement and Construction Project

IN River Engineeing
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About Project

Due to the increase of sediment load in the Anzali wetland through sedimentation of rivers entering it in the recent years, the depth of the wetland has significantly decreased. Reductions in the depth are reported at up to 10 meters, and in some cases, the depth is dropped from 1 to 2 meters. The depth of the wetland is so low that boat traffic is disturbed or blocked in some spatial intervals. Therefore, a temporary and short-term solution of canal dredging was proposed to connect routes within the wetland.

Actual services:

This project included two sections, the main section was sediment trap and basin designing and the other one was Environmental Impact Assessment of sediment trap and basin construction, in order to meet the main objectives of the project, the following services have been accomplished:

  • Physiographical, meteorological and hydrological studies, geological surveying and borrow pit resource assessment in the spatial scope of the project, socioeconomic studies in the affected area
  • Exploring current land-uses
  • Morphological study
  • Sedimentological Studies
  • Hydraulic study of sediment transportation
  • Investigating environmental status of the wetland and limnological Studies
  • Identification and assessment of environmental impacts caused by implementation, non- implementation and implementation with environmental mitigating measures
  • Environmental impact assessment of dredging vessel operations in the wetland
  • Environmental adverse impact assessment of dredging operations on fishing activities and researching about interference between dredging and sailing activities
  • Investigating environmental impacts (noise pollution, air pollution, soil degradation, interference in the aquatic environment and visual pollution) based on the selected dredging system and methods
  • Investigation on probable accidents and incidents during construction and operation phases