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Qualitative Sampling and Limnological Study of Lake Urmia

IN Environment, Key Projects
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About Project

Since, National park Urmia is under threat to be died and depletion, in the recent years Iran Water and Power Resources Development Company has put this matter in its priority to collect sufficient and comprehensive data for next steps to restore Lake Urmia. Asarab with cooperation of Norwegian consulting company of AKVA PLAN-NIVA, has performed the monitoring program of the lake. It should be noted that, it was the first time that an extensive monitoring program has been accomplished systematically. In this monitoring programme, physical and chemical qualitative and quantitative parameters, different pollutants such as heavy metals and limnological parameters were analysed, map of different vegetation types and distribution of birds in Lake Urmia, main rivers entering the lake and southern wetlands were prepared for this project. Sampling has been done for one year, monthly, and the gathered data were analyzed. After that, a report of sampling results was presented for EIA and modelling of water conveyance from Caspian Sea to the lake Urmia and was delivered to Aban Pajooh and AKVAPLAN-NIVA. Spontaneously, sampling and monitoring of Kanisib Dam, the rivers entering the dam, effluent of Piranshahr have been performed by Asarab Co. then various parameters of this dam are analysed too, therefore, quality of entering water from Zab area is considered in modelling of Lake Urmia. With the results of this model, environmental impacts of such projects were investigated and analysed. The results of these studies were published in the book of Lake Urmia.

Actual services:

  • Designing a quantitative and qualitative monitoring program for the Lake Urmia body and the main inlet rivers
  • Equipping the field laboratory to conduct quality and limnological monitoring program, including portable multimeter, portable turbidimeter, spectrophotometer, plankton net, Surber, etc.
  • Study, design and supervision on construction of two stations for monitoring water quality and sediment and meteorological parameters inside the Lake Urmia
  • Sampling, quantitative and qualitative analysis on the samples
  • Sampling, quantitative and qualitative analysis on the samples from the main river entering the lake, including 8 rivers
  • Sampling, quantitative and qualitative analysis on the samples from 4 wetlands in the margin of Lake Urmia
  • Performing 12 courses of monthly sampling from water and sediments of entering rivers and south wetlands, monthly, to analyze qualitative, biological and limnological parameters
  • Performing ornithology and phytology spontaneously
  • Surveying for phytology in wetlands located in the south of the lake
  • Performing 12 courses of monthly sampling from water and sediments in Kanisib Dam, to analyze qualitative, biological and limnology parameters
  • Generation of all the studied parameters’ profiles from surface to depth in water columns using CTD
  • Developing a database from results obtained from sampling, measurements and Analysis
  • Data validation by different method and software such as AqQA
  • Technical specification and providing consultancy services to develop 2 online permanent monitoring stations