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Detailed Design Study of Water Supply and Conveyance System plus Design of Pressurized Irrigation Network in Gerdab-e-Lordegan Lands

IN Irrigation and Drainage
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About Project

In this project, for plantation of fruit trees in sloping lands and implementation of drip irrigation system of farming lands in Lordegan city, a plan was defined including design of water diversion and conveyance systems and irrigation network. The water diversion facilities on the river are designed as overflow structures and a canal for receiving water from it. A pumping station with a capacity of 600 litres per second will pump water to the second pumping station. At this stage, a portion of the pumped water is used for irrigation of downstream lands, and the remaining water of the second pumping station is transmitted to a height of 200 meters and 600 hectares in this area is irrigated.

Actual services:

  • Study of meteorological parameters and physicochemical characteristics of water and soil
  • Analysis of hydraulic conductivity, soil sampling and analysis to prepare the basic soil map and layout of the pressurized irrigation network
  • Water intake from Khersan River
  • Geotechnical study of pipelines and pumping stations
  • Two-meter pumping station design (main river-pumping station and secondary station at a height of 200 meters)
  • Designing a water transmission network and distribution pipelines of 5 km
  • Designing a drip irrigation system
  • Designing a starter panel