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Study on Southern Drainage Network of line 6 of Tehran Subway from Station A6 (Dolatabad) to G6 (17 Shahrivar-Gooteh)

IN Irrigation and Drainage
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About Project

Tehran Subway Line 6 with 31 km long, 27 underground stations and 2 terminals is one of the most important lines under construction of Tehran Urban & Suburban Railway Co. This line connects the northwest of Tehran to its southeast part. The present study included drainage status investigation in the south part of the 6th line, the lengths of this line is 7km from the Dolatabad Station (A6) to Goethe Station (G6) on 17th Shahrivar Street. Regarding high level of groundwater in this area and related problems in construction and operation phase, some research has been done to decrease groundwater level and drainage of this route. Based on attached terms of reference to the contract, the results of this study were presented in 2 sections. The first section was general features of the study, and the second one included work drawing of drainage system.

Actual services:

  • Collection of basic technical information of the project
  • Studying the geological features
  • Investigating and studying the basic information of surface water and arid streams
  • Study of groundwater status along the southern part of the subway line 6
  • Studying and identifying the aqueduct along the southern part of the subway line 6
  • Measurement of groundwater level and preparation of groundwater isobath in the area
  • Overviewing the trends in groundwater level in the past years
  • Forecasting changes in groundwater levels in the future years and taking into account the extraction of groundwater by the Tehran Province Water & Wastewater Co., the municipality of Tehran, the private sector and individuals
  • Investigating and proposing work plans to control groundwater level
  • Studying and identifying water collection canals (groundwater and surface water conveyance of main water pipes of Tehran Water and Sewage Department)
  • Investigating status of the 6th line tunnel next to Tehran’s sewage transmission lines